Handball Results & Rankings Widgets

handball widgetsShow handball results by competition or latest table rankings on your website with the Handball Widgets by Webeki.com. Use shortcodes to easily implement widgets with football rankings and match results in your WordPress posts or pages.

How does it work? Download the Handball Widgets plugin, install it to your WordPress blog and activate it. Go to the plugin settings and make the simple selections to choose the data that you want to show in your website. Copy the shortcode generated and use it in your posts or page content where you want the widget to appear. Competition results and rankings are updated all the time from the widget data provider, HandballStats247.com. Once you have implemented the widget shortcode, there is nothing else for you to do – just sit back and provide up to data statistics to your website users. Customization of widget colors is also available within the plugin settings.


  • widgets with handball rankings and latest match results from 100+ competitions around the world
  • data available in 16 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Estonian)


Features Plugin
Shortcode implementation

Free to use
Handball Table Rankings 50+ league competitions
Handball Match Results 100+ league & cup competitions
Widget Language 16
Use on number of websites unlimited

Data feeds provided by HandballStats247.com, which is a registered trade mark of NCN Ltd.